Adult TLC Dog Food

Choosing the right food to feed your dog is crucial to their overall health and well-being, and something that should be done with careful thought and consideration. These are some of the many reasons why we choose to feed our dogs TLC, and proudly recommend TLC Whole Life Dog Food. Delivering the ultimate balance of quality meats, animal fats, vitamins and minerals, TLC Whole Life Dog Food provides everything your puppy needs to develop into a strong, healthy and energetic dog.

For a complete list of ingredients and how they benefit your dog click HERE.

Why Choose TLC Whole Life Pet Food?

  • Healthier Shinier Coat
  • Optimal Digestion
  • Strong Bones and Joints
  • Less Stool Volume
  • Strong Muscles
  • Clear, Bright Eyes
  • Happier, Healthier Pet

TLC Whole Life Natural Dog Food compares very well against the commonly sold dog food brands sold at many veterinary clinics. For example, many of the listed foods found at clinics include grains as their first or second ingredient. TLC, on the other hand is over 75% meat based, with lamb and chicken as our top ingredients. Unlike many of the listed foods, TLC includes both probiotics (beneficial bacteria) and prebiotics for digestive health, along with Glucosamine and Chondroitin for skeletal and joint health

How Much Should I be Feeding My Dog?

Calculate how much you should be feeding your dog at TLC’s website HERE. Order TLC’s Whole Life Pet Food using AUTOSHIP to receive your pet’s food, delivered straight to your doorstep, at no additional cost, for hassle-free pet food delivery!